Resolve discrepancies in federal datasets


When using Insights, you may encounter discrepancies between the information displayed from federal datasets and your own records. This article guides you through the process of addressing these discrepancies to ensure your compliance data is accurate and up-to-date.

Source of Discrepancies

Discrepancies can occur for various reasons:

  1. Reporting delays

  2. Data entry or data completeness errors

  3. Data quality issues

  4. Systemic "known data problems"

Steps to Resolve Discrepancies

Most discrepancies can be resolved by following these steps:

Step 1: Verify Your Internal Data

  • Review your own records to confirm the accuracy of your information

  • Compile the documentation you need to support your claim

Step 2: Choose a Resolution Method

There are two primary ways to report and resolve a discrepancy:

Report directly through the ECHO interface:

  • Access the ECHO Detailed Facility Report (DFR) page for your facility. This can be done by searching directly in ECHO or by clicking the button within the facility's Insights page in Encamp.

  • Follow the EPA's process for reporting an error (detailed below)

Contact your state agency:

  • Reach out to the relevant state environmental agency to have them correct the data

  • Once corrected with the state agency, the data should eventually update in ECHO

Reporting an Error through ECHO

  1. From the Detailed Facility Report (DFR) in ECHO, initiate the error reporting process

  1. Choose to report a general or specific error with the DFR.

    Note: Consolidate multiple errors from the same table into one comment

  2. Provide your contact information

  3. Review EPA's Notice of Use and submit your comment

After submission:

  • You will receive an immediate acknowledgment on the webpage

  • Your report will enter EPA's Integrated Error Correction Process

  • You may receive one or more status updates

  • EPA might request additional information or documentation

For more detailed information on reporting errors in ECHO, including specific instructions for different types of reports (Effluent Charts, Air Pollutant Report, Civil or Criminal Enforcement Case Report), please refer to the EPA's "How to Report an Error" page at

When to Seek Additional Help

If you're unable to resolve a discrepancy through these steps, or if you encounter persistent issues with federal datasets, don't hesitate to reach out to your Encamp support team ( We're here to assist you in maintaining accurate compliance records and can provide guidance on complex situations. We also maintain strong relationships with many state regulator