How to Find Your Facility’s LEPC


When it comes to Tier II reporting, identifying your facility's Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) or Tribal Emergency Planning Committee (TEPC) is a crucial step in the process. Not only do these committees play a vital role in mediating potential emergencies and ensuring the safety of your facility and the surrounding community, but a requirement of Tier II reporting is to send a copy of your report to your LEPC.

To determine the correct LEPC for your facility, follow these steps:

Step 1: Consult the EPA SERC Contact List

Start by searching the EPA SERC Contact List to find the website and contact information for the SERC for your state. SERCs, also established under EPCRA, are responsible for appointing and supervising LEPCs.

Step 2: Look for LEPC-Specific Webpages

Many SERC websites have a link or directory of the LEPCs in their state that is linked from their website. For example, Alabama, provides LEPC-specific information by county directly on the Alabama SERC home page. If your state doesn't readily provide this information, don't worry – proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Contact Your SERC

The EPA list provides the name, department, mailing address, phone number, and email address of SERCs within each state. Once you've obtained the contact information for your SERC, reach out to them. They can point you to your facility's LEPC and answer any other questions you may have.