Rhode Island - Community Water System Area


Beginning with Reporting Year 2023, facilities located in Rhode Island are now asked to complete the following question on their Tier II report:

Is your facility located within a Community Water System Area? (yes or no)

Follow the steps below to determine the answer:

  1. Go to https://dem.ri.gov/online-services/data-maps

  1. From the grid, hover over Environmental Resource Map and click View app

  1. Click to agree to the terms and conditions

  1. On the Layer List on the right, open the Groundwater list and check both Groundwater and the box next to CWHPA. Several purple boundaries (the Community Water System Areas) should appear on the map.

  1. Type the facility address in the search bar at the top of the screen

  1. If your facility address is located within a purple boundary, your facility is located within a Community Water System Area and you must answer Yes on your Tier II report. Additionally, click on the purple boundary to determine the Community Drinking Water System Owner.

    1. If your facility is not within a purple boundary, answer No on your Tier II report.