Review, Verify & Submit

Finalize and submit your Tier II report.

The final sections before your report can be considered submitted and handed off to Encamp for filing are the Review and the Verify & Submit steps.


Step 1: Checking for Errors

The primary purpose of the Review step is to is to verify the absence of errors in the information provided in the previous report sections. Errors typically occur when information required by the jurisdiction has not been included in the report.

The Error Summary provides a comprehensive overview of these errors, categorized by report sections. To view the details of each section's errors, click on Show Details or Hide Details.

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Step 2: Addressing Errors

To address any errors from the error summary, you can either:

  • Click the Fix Errors button on each section that requires attention, or
  • Click each section name that has a red exclamation point in the left navigation bar

Fields that require attention within each section will be clearly marked. Once all errors have been addressed, green check marks should appear next to each section.

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(Optional) Notes to Regulators

Facilities may optionally include narrative text for regulators in their report. These notes can provide context for any information not easily captured in the other fields of the report.

For example, a facility may use the "Notes to Regulators" section to explain a significant change in the amount of a particular chemical stored at the facility, or to provide information about upcoming changes to storage practices that might affect future reports. This section can also be used to provide additional detail about safety measures in place at the facility, or to clarify anything that may appear unusual or out of place in the rest of the report.

(Optional) Send to Reviewer

If a reviewer has been assigned to a report, you can notify them that the report is ready for review.

Step 1: Click Yes under Is this report ready to be reviewed?

(Optional): Click Send email to reviewers to trigger an email notification.

Step 2: Click Ready for review.

Step 3: Finalizing the Report

When a report has no errors, you are ready to finalize it. The remaining steps and responsibilities differ slightly depending on whether there is a reviewer assigned to the report or not.

If a reviewer is assigned

Step 1: Select Yes under Is this report ready to be reviewed?

(Optional): Click Send email to reviewers to trigger an email notification.

Step 2: Click Ready for review.

The reviewer is now responsible for the Verify & Submit step below.

If no reviewer is assigned

Step 1: Select Yes under Is this report ready to be reviewed?

Step 2: Click Ready for review.

Step 3: Proceed to the Verify & Submit step below.

RESOURCE: Click here to learn how to assign reviewers to a report.

Verify & Submit

Submitting the Report

Step 1: Click Verify & Submit in the left navigation bar.

Step 2: Select Yes under “This form is ready to be submitted to..”

Step 3: Enter the name and title of the individual certifying the report. See Who Certifies the Report? below for more information. Encamp will sign the reports using the name and title provided in this section during the filing process.

Step 4: Click Submit 2023 Annual Report.

Congratulations! The report status is now Verified, and it has been handed off to Encamp automation to be filed. Click here to learn more about the report submission process.

Who Certifies the Report?

Tier II reports should be certified by an appropriate representative of the facility. This person must be someone who can attest to the accuracy of the information included in the report.

According to 40 CFR 370.42(a), the report can be certified by:

  • The facility’s owner or operator, or
  • An officially designated representative of the owner or operator

The person certifying the report has a legal obligation to ensure the information is accurate and complete to the best of their knowledge.

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Last updated on June 15, 2023