Implementation Process

Understand how Encamp successfully onboards customers.

In line with our mission to simplify environmental compliance, Encamp has developed a streamlined implementation process to ensure a smooth onboarding experience for our new customers. This article outlines Encamp's implementation process, showcasing how we collaborate with our customers to ensure seamless adoption and utilization of our platform.

High-Level Overview

Embarking on your Encamp journey involves a series of steps designed by our Services team to be smooth, yet comprehensive. Here's a high-level overview of our implementation process:

Kickoff Call

The journey starts with a kickoff call where the Services team introduces Encamp, sets the implementation schedule, and aligns with you on your environmental compliance goals.

Importing Facility Data

The team then imports your provided facility list and state portal credentials into the Encamp app.

Information Review and Validation

We then go through several steps to ensure that we have all of the information we need to set you up for success. This includes:

  • Associating the provided credentials with the correct facilities and verifying that they are valid
  • Importing historical Tier II reporting data into Encamp by using the provided credentials to log into the state portals or by extracting the information from the provided Tier2 Submit files
  • Verifying and cleaning up the imported data to minimize errors in your reports
NOTE: We import your historical reporting data so that your product catalog, contacts, and other reporting data are in the system and ready for you to use when you need to begin the Tier II reporting process.


We then conduct a tailored training session on how to use Encamp effectively to achieve your defined goals.

Inviting Users

The final step involves inviting users to the application, marking the start of your journey with Encamp.


Information Required for Implementation

During the implementation process, the Services team will require certain information to be provided via an onboarding spreadsheet:

  • Facility list
  • Tier2 Submit (T2S) files for facilities in states that use Tier2 Submit
  • Credentials for State and City/County Portals for facilities in non-Tier2 Submit states
  • Identification Numbers for STEERS (Texas) and CERS (California) portals
  • New facility information (Facility Address)
  • Any relevant notes

Implementation Timeline

The timeline for implementation can vary based on the number of sites and specific industry considerations. Here are some general estimates:

  • 1-5 sites: 2 business days
  • 6-30 sites: 4 business days
  • 30-100 sites: 5 business days
  • 100+ sites: A multi-stage approach to implementation, typically taking 2 weeks
  • 500+ sites: A multi-stage approach to implementation, typically taking 2-3+ weeks
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Last updated on June 15, 2023