Platform Features & Security

FAQs on Encamp's technical and security features.

Encamp is committed to ensuring the highest level of data security while offering a flexible, reliable, and user-friendly platform for managing environmental, health, and safety (EHS) compliance operations. This article addresses some frequently asked questions about the technical and security aspects of the Encamp platform.

What security measures does Encamp take to protect my data?

Encamp's platform, built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), adheres to the guidelines established by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). We encrypt data both at rest and in transit, and securely store passwords using salted hashes. Encamp recently achieved SOC 2 Type 2 Certification, a rigorous standard set by the American Institute of CPAs, assuring customers that our EHS compliance software maintains the highest levels of privacy and security controls.


How much cloud storage is available on the Encamp platform?

Encamp does not impose any storage limits on the platform, allowing unlimited cloud storage for all your EHS compliance needs.


Does Encamp have a mobile app?

While we do not currently offer a dedicated mobile app, Encamp's cloud-based nature means you can access the platform from any device, anywhere. This provides you with the flexibility and convenience of on-the-go access.


Who at Encamp has access to my data?

Access to facility information is strictly limited to our Senior Software Engineers and Environmental Professionals, and only for support purposes. All changes to data are logged, including details of who made the change and when. Encamp will only modify your data if you have expressly requested us to do so.


What does the SOC 2 Type 2 Certification mean for Encamp's platform?

The SOC 2 Type 2 Certification underscores Encamp's dedication to data security. It assures our customers that our EHS compliance software maintains the highest levels of privacy and security controls for protecting EHS data. The certification was independently verified through a third-party audit by Schellman & Company LLC.

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Last updated on May 15, 2023