
Explore how the Tasks feature streamlines environmental compliance obligations.

The Tasks feature in Encamp is designed to help organizations manage a variety of environmental, health, and safety obligations crucial for maintaining a compliant facility. Such obligations can include inspections, reporting, permit renewals, and many more.

Every task is fully customizable; it can be a one-time or recurring task, have a designated assignee (the "Responsible person"), and optionally have a "Watcher" who gets notified about the task's progress. A task can also have associated records, such as a completed inspection form. To ensure tasks are completed timely, you can set one or more reminders for incomplete tasks.

To reach the Tasks screen from any page, click on Facilities in the left-hand navigation panel, followed by Tasks.

Navigating the Tasks Page

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1. Filters: Filter by:

  • State: The state of the facility that a task was created for.
  • Facility: Facility that a task was created for.
  • Tag: The environmental media a task is associated with.
  • Due Date: The date a task is due. You can optionally set a date from which to begin the search.
  • Task Status: The status of whether the task is open, overdue, or completed.
  • Responsible Person: The person responsible for completing the task.

2. Search Bar: Search by task name.

3. Tasks Table: Overview of all active tasks in the organization.

4. Add New Task: Create a new task.

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Last updated on June 15, 2023