Interacting with Tasks

Learn to effectively manage tasks in Encamp and understand the available customization options.

Efficient task management is vital to running a smooth and compliant facility. Encamp makes it easy to add, edit, and delete tasks. This guide provides a detailed look at each step involved in managing tasks and their customization options.

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Tasks

Adding a Task

Step 1: From the Tasks Page, click the Add button.

Step 2: Fill in all relevant details. At a minimum, the Title, Deadline, Facility, Tag, and Assignee are required.

Step 3: Click Save. The Task (or Tasks, if it is recurring) should now be visible on the Tasks Page.

Refer to the Task Fields section below for information on the meaning of each field.

Editing a Task

Step 1: To edit a task, click the corresponding row on the Tasks Page.

Step 2: Click Edit and edit any relevant details you would like. If it's a recurring task, editing the task will change the parent task and all its child tasks.

Step 3: Click Save.

Deleting a Task

Step 1: To delete a task, click the corresponding row on the Tasks Page.

Step 2: Click Delete. If it is a recurring task, you will need to select whether to delete the single instance of the task or the recurring parent task.

Step 3: Click OK.


Completing a Task

To mark a task as complete, click on the corresponding row on the Tasks page and check the Task completed checkbox. This will notify any watchers of the task that it has been completed. Subtasks can be marked as complete without marking the entire task as complete. To undo any of these actions, simply uncheck the checkbox.

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Task Fields

  • Task title: Name of the task. If it’s a recurring task, then the name of the series of tasks.
  • Description: Optional information to help understand what the task represents.
  • Deadline: The due date for the task.
  • Facility: The facility for which the task is being performed.
  • Tag: The environmental media the task is related to.
  • Assignee: The individual responsible for completing the task.
  • Watcher: (Optional) An individual notified about task updates such as completion or overdue status.

Refer to the Customizations section below for additional information.

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Sub tasks

Tasks can have associated sub tasks that can be marked as complete without marking the entire task as complete. This is particularly useful for multi-step tasks like a permit application or tasks spanning different locations that need inspection.

Recurring Tasks

Tasks can be set to recur weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.


Custom reminders can be set to receive an email if a task deadline is approaching and the task is not yet complete. Reminders can be scheduled any number of days, weeks, months, or years before the task deadline.

Add links and documents

You can attach links and documents to a task during task creation or upon completion. These could serve as references for the assignee when completing the task, such as an inspection form template, or uploaded as a record upon task completion, like a completed inspection form.


Task Permissions

The table below shows the extent to which users can interact with the Tasks functionality, depending on their user role.

User Role
Super Admin
Create, delete, view, edit, upload documents to, and complete tasks for all facilities
All Facilities User
Create, delete, view, edit, upload documents to, and complete tasks for all facilities
Facility User
View, edit, upload documents to, and complete tasks for facilities assigned to them
EHS Field User
View, upload documents to, and complete tasks for facilities assigned to them
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Last updated on June 15, 2023