Super Admin Tasks

Understand and carry out tasks exclusive to Super Admin users.

Super Admins hold a pivotal position in Encamp, as they possess exclusive privileges to create user accounts, assign roles, and manage facility access for their organization's members. This article offers a comprehensive guide on executing actions solely available to Super Admins. For a full overview of Super Admin permissions, click here.

NOTE: Super Admins cannot alter another Super Admin's user role or facility access.

Creating Users

It's important to understand that all Encamp users will be in your organization’s Contact Library, but not all contacts in your Contact Library will be Encamp users. There may be many people within your organization appearing on a Tier II report (thus existing within the Contact Library) but will not require Encamp access. Conversely, individuals might require an Encamp account for tasks such as completing reports but will never appear on a Tier II report.

However, when you do encounter situations where an Encamp account needs to be created, follow these steps:

Creating a User That is Not a Contact

Step 1: From any screen, click on Admin on the left navigation.

Step 2: Click Add User, and fill out the user’s details. At a minimum, email and name are required.

Step 3: In the Role field, select the user role you would like to assign. Click here to learn about the different user roles.

Step 4: Click Save.

The user should now appear in the table of contacts. Their Status in the table should be “Invite Sent”. Once they set up an account, their Status will change to “Active”.

Creating a User that is Already a Contact

Step 1: From any screen, click on Admin on the left navigation.

Step 2: Find the row corresponding to the contact and click their name.

Step 3: Click the Send Email Invite button.

The user should now appear in the table of contacts. Their Status in the table should be “Invite Sent”. Once they set up an account, their Status will change to “Active”.

Changing User Roles

If the role for an existing user needs to change (e.g., from an EHS Field User to a Facility User), follow these steps:

Step 1: From any screen, click on Admin on the left navigation.

Step 2: Find the row corresponding to the contact and click their name.

Step 3: Click edit within the User Overview box.

Step 4: In the Role field, select the new user role you would like to assign. Click here to learn about the different user roles.

Step 5: Click Save.

TIP: User roles can also be changed in bulk. To do so, select multiple names from the Users list and click Bulk Actions > Change Role.

Granting and Revoking Facility Access

While Super Admins and All Facilities Users have access to all facilities in their organization, Facility Users and EHS Field Users can only access facilities granted to them. The steps for granting and revoking facility access are as follows:

Granting Access

Step 1: From any screen, click on Admin on the left navigation.

Step 2: Find the row corresponding to the contact and click their name.

Step 3: In the Facilities box, click Grant Access.

Step 4: Select the facilities you want to grant the user access to and click Next.

Step 5: Click Grant Access.

Revoking Access

Step 1: From any screen, click on Admin on the left navigation.

Step 2: Find the row corresponding to the contact and click their name.

Step 3: In the Facilities box, click Revoke Access.

Step 4: From the list of facilities the user currently has access to, select the facilities you want to revoke access to, and click Next.

Step 5: Click Revoke Access.

Notion image
TIP: Facility access can also be granted or revoked in bulk. To do so, select multiple names from the Users list and click Bulk Actions > Grant Facility Access or Bulk Actions > Revoke Facility Access.
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Last updated on June 15, 2023