Tier II Report Submission

Understand how Tier II report submission is streamlined with Encamp.

The Encamp platform is specifically designed to simplify your Tier II reporting procedure. This guide will help you understand how the system automates Tier II submissions and fee payments across all states, territories, and local authorities.

Step 1: Report Preparation and Validation

The reporting software allows you to edit the information that goes into your Tier II report, including product details, quantities, contacts, and facility data. As you complete the various reporting steps, Encamp verifies this data against the unique rules and reporting requirements of each facility's jurisdiction, ensuring your reports comply with local, state, and federal standards. Once you've verified the data is accurate, clicking 'Submit' transfers the report to us, triggering the automated reporting process.


Step 2: Automated Submission

Upon submission, your report is processed by the Encamp Fulfillment Engine, designed to correctly route and submit your report based on the facility's location.

State Submission

Reports are submitted to State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs) in various ways, as demonstrated in the EPA’s State Tier II Reporting Requirements and Procedures page, including:

  • Tier2 Submit software
  • E-Plan portal
  • Tier II Manager portal
  • State-specific reporting portal

Encamp automatically transforms your data into a .t2s file for states that accept a Tier2 Submit file, and submits it per the state’s requirements - whether via email, website, or even CD.

For states using a reporting portal, Encamp's automation will use your provided credentials to log into the portal and input the reporting data.

Local Submissions

In most jurisdictions, you are required to submit the report separately to the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and the local Fire Department.

Encamp maintains information on the more than 4,000 LEPCs and 31,000 Fire Departments in the country, including how the report should be submitted (e.g., hard copy mail, e-mail, or separate portal) and to whom the report should be sent (mailing address or e-mail address).

The automated system ensures the report reaches the correct parties. Any hard copy mailings include tracking to confirm delivery and completion of filing.


Step 3: Fee Payments

SERCs, LEPCs, and even Fire Departments may levy filing fees during the submission process. Encamp handles and pays these fees, whether they're charged during report submission or invoiced later. Depending on the jurisdiction's requirements, fees are paid either by credit card or check. Encamp's management of these payments simplifies handling payments across multiple jurisdictions.


Step 4: Document Retention

Encamp collects and stores any relevant submission records throughout the fulfillment process. These records include:

  • Final copy of the certified report
  • Portal confirmation that a report was submitted and received
  • Receipt for a fee payment made by credit card or a copy of the mailed check
  • Certified mail tracking for a report sent to an LEPC or FD

These records are automatically uploaded back into the platform and can be accessed via the Records section or by navigating to the report itself.

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Last updated on June 14, 2023