Roles and permissions


Encamp offers a user roles and permissions system that allows organizations to tailor access levels for their users within the platform. By assigning specific roles to users, organizations can ensure that employees have access only to the information and functionality necessary for their tasks, preventing unauthorized access or accidental modifications.

Available User Roles

The following roles are available for all organizations:

  1. Super Admin: The highest level user role. Each organization should have only a few users assigned to this role.

  2. Encamp All Facilities User: Intended for individuals overseeing an environmental program for the entire organization.

  3. Encamp Facility User: Intended for individuals overseeing several facilities.

  4. Encamp EHS Field User: Intended for individuals located at a single facility.

Note: Roles and permissions are only applicable to users with Encamp accounts, not all contacts.

Role Permissions

Each user role has a distinct set of permissions across the different features of Encamp:

Super Admin

  • Facilities: Navigate to facilities section, view facilities, edit facility details

  • Tasks: View, edit, upload documents to, and complete tasks for all facilities

  • User Management:

    • Create users

    • Assign and change roles for all users (except other Super Admins)

    • Assign and revoke facility access for all users

    • View all users in the account

    • Update details for all users within the account

  • Contacts: Navigate to contacts section, view contacts, edit contacts

  • Documents: Navigate to documents section, access and manage all documents

  • Chemicals: Full access to all Chemicals module features, including:

  • Insights: View and interact with the Insights module

All Facilities User

  • Facilities: Navigate to facilities section, view facilities, edit facility details

  • Tasks: View, edit, upload documents to, and complete tasks for all facilities

  • User Management: View all users in the account, view user roles

  • Contacts: Navigate to contacts section, view contacts, edit contacts

  • Documents: Navigate to documents section, access and manage all documents

  • Chemicals: Access to all Chemicals module features (except managing credentials):

  • Insights: View and interact with the Insights module

Facility User

  • Facilities: Navigate to facilities section, view facilities, edit facility details

  • Tasks: View, edit, upload documents to, and complete tasks for assigned facilities

  • User Management: View all users in the account, view user roles

  • Contacts: Navigate to contacts section, view contacts, edit contacts

  • Documents: Navigate to documents section, access and manage all documents

  • Chemicals:

  • Insights: View and interact with the Insights module

EHS Field User

Tip: If a user is granted higher level permissions (such as from a Facility User to an All Facilities User), they will need to log out of their Encamp account and log back in for those changes to take effect.

Super Admin Tasks

Super Admins have exclusive privileges to create user accounts, assign roles, and manage facility access for their organization's members. Some key tasks include:

  • Creating Users: Super Admins can create user accounts for both new and existing contacts.

  • Changing User Roles: Super Admins can change the role of existing users, except for other Super Admins.

  • Granting and Revoking Facility Access: Super Admins can grant or revoke access to specific facilities for Facility Users and EHS Field Users.

For detailed steps on how to perform any of these functions see the Manage your organization's users article.